Shockingly Smart™

Shockingly Smart™
Smart, hardworking, certified teams and processes get the job done right.
Connecting With Confidence
USEC provides end-to-end solutions to help power your world so you can feel confident choosing the right electrical contractor.
The Internet Plan that’s Right for You
Fast, affordable internet that you can rely on. Go ahead, make the switch, it’ll be all smiles ahead.

The Future of Current

At USEC, we’re focused on smart systems. It’s why we pride ourselves on delivering high-quality products through standardization. As one of Colorado’s leading electrical contractors, we approach every project with a plan of action so you can feel empowered in choosing the right electrical contractor for your needs.


Not sure where to start?

Big Tech from a Local Company

That’s the way it should be. Always an innovator, USEC consistently develops and embraces new technologies and incorporates them into everything we do. You can count on us to provide:

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